Hit stingers that sing

Shots for all situations | Better golf & Coaching

You want to have a shot you can lean on in all situations. When the wind gets up, let your stinger sing and you’ll be smiling all the way up the fairway.

As with all shots, a good setup is the first building block of a great shot. When first learning the stinger, it’s a good call to use a five-iron or hybrid and set the ball slightly back of centre in your stance.

Even though the shot sensation is unfamiliar, relax your arms and grip as much as possible because you’ll sacrifice significant clubhead speed and compromise your club path if you are too tense.

You’re in a terrific position at impact if your hands are ahead of the ball; this promotes a low and penetrating flight.


Following through low and left, you want to cut off your follow-through slightly and stop your hands around the height of your shoulders. This low and left move is why it doesn’t matter that you use a mid-iron: The descending blow you create will deloft whatever club you’re using.

This is one shot that requires a lot of practise. We’ll get you set up and swinging in a way that produces that low, running ball-flight that you can turn to in tough conditions.

Tiger talks through the stinger

Tiger Woods talks you through how he plays his stinger.

Add a stinger to your shots

Looking for a reliable fairway finder that cheats the wind? Look no further than the stinger! Send us a message and let's sharpen your skills.



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