Your constant companion
The core of performance

To transfer the energy from your swing into the actual shot, your golf ball needs to compress at impact. This is why it’s so important that we take your swing speed into consideration when fitting you for the right golf ball.

Finding the compression sweet spot

The right compression will help you increase distance, but it’s all about finding the right amount for your swing. Too little or too much compression and you’ll actually lose distance.

Generally speaking, if you have a slow to moderate swing speed then a ball with a softer core will aid compression, helping you get the increased distance you’re after. And if you have a higher swing speed, a ball with a harder core is probably better for you.

Enjoy easier distance

Your golf ball is with you on every shot. It’s your constant companion. Once we’ve matched your swing speed with the right compression golf ball for you, you’ll find it easier to generate distance and control your shots.


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