The lowdown on low point

Take the low road | Fitting & Technology

Better ball-striking boils down to developing a consistent, repeatable swing. To take your ball-striking to new heights, we need to start at the bottom, rather, the “low point”, of your swing.

INTERPRETING your numbers

Low point is a measurement of the distance between the golf club’s geometric centre and the lowest point of the swing arc at the point of maximum compression.

The distance is measured in inches and the “A” or “B” signals whether low point occurs before or after impact.

You may have guessed that the low point which produces the most consistent strikes differs depending on the club. The ideal low point for a driver is before impact, for example, while for a short-iron it’s after impact.

Let’s dial in YOUR SETUP

The key is finding equipment that helps you produce consistent low point numbers for each particular club, swing after swing, round after round.

Taking a few swings on a launch monitor will help us optimise your low point by marrying your unique swing with equally unique club specs that’ll help you hit it further throughout the bag.

The highest spots of your golfing life are just a low-point assessment away!

Take the low road to new golfing heights

Get fitted for equipment that’s specifically geared to optimise your low point and elevate your ball-striking! Send us a message to get started.



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